Tom Jò Coladelli

Tom Jò Coladelli professional experience is quite "unique" due to the international engagement in high level of responsibility spent in multinational Companies and, at the same time, to the multicultural approach given by the origin of his Family and his life spent around the world.
Also the artistic path is "particular" supported by the real Passion and Curiosity regarding the deep analysis and interpretation of the Space in its different conceptual aspects that has been evolved during several years working with a different materials and techniques.
2012 Milano, Spazio MAIOCCHI
Mostra Collettiva "Il Grande Giro" (Momenti e passaggi significativi tra figurativo e informale dalla prima metà del '900 ad oggi)
2012 Pietrasanta, Spazio BONCI
Mostra Personale "la Fessura Spazio/Tempo: alla ricerca dei nuovi piani dell'immaginazione";
2014 Pietrasanta, GESTALT Gallery
Mostra Collettiva "Non è una Mostra per tutti"
Showing Artists: Armando Marrocco, Antonio Trotta, Paolo Icaro, Tom Jo Coladelli;
2015 Pietrasanta, GESTALT Gallery
Mostra Collettiva "Fedeli alla Linea"
Showing Artists: Peter Botos, Giovanni Campus, CCH, Tom Jo Coladelli, Riccardo Guarneri, Armando Marrocco, Szymon Oltarzewski, Bruno Querci, Antonio Trotta, Giancarlo Zen;
2017 Pietrasanta, FUTURA Art Gallery
Mostra Collettiva