Giuseppe Calandriello

He was born on June 29, 1979 in Pietrasanta, in the province of Lucca. After studying art, he earned a degree in Cinema, Music and Theater with a focus on Cinema and Electronic Imaging. He has collaborated with experimental magazines and anthologies such as "Scrivere all’infinito", "DOC(K)S", "Utsanga", and "The New Post-literate", publishing visual works, writings, and conceptual pieces. His artistic research focuses on the syntactic-semantic deprivation of the cinematic product. Applying the paradigm of asemic writing in the audiovisual field, he has created numerous short films, theorizing asemic film semiology. His works are in numerous collections such as the Archivio Nuova Scrittura in Monza, the MART - Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Trento and Rovereto, the Berardelli Foundation in Brescia, and the Academy of Arts of Drawing in Florence.